- Stakeholders receive both Message Center (in-app) and Email notifications - this is not user configurable.
- Once a user is assigned a stakeholder task, the title is automatically added to their My Titles list. See this article for more details regarding My Titles filtering.
- A stakeholder will not receive notifications if they are assigned to a task after that task has been completed. For example, if User A has already resolved preflight issues and User B is assigned as a stakeholder to this task afterwards, User B will not receive notifications since that task has been completed. The same is true for users that are assigned to approve content and that task is already completed. Exceptions to this would include when new preflight issues are introduced or if new pages are added or existing pages modified, resulting in new content approval.
- Users that assign stakeholders must have a role of Uploader or higher. Stakeholders cannot be assigned to perform a task above the role they are assigned. For example, a user with a role of ContentApprover cannot be assigned to perform the Approve to Print task. See this article for more details regarding rights and roles within Lakeside Scout.
- If no preflight issues are detected, the next task notification, (i.e., approve content) is sent out automatically to the stakeholder(s) assigned to that task.
- The role of 'ViewOnly' now has the ability to see title details along with assigned stakeholders; however, users with this role cannot change title information nor add, edit, or remove stakeholders. Users with this role can click on the Edit title icon in the top-right corner of the title banner, and select Title Details as shown here to see this information.
A stakeholder is a user that has a defined responsibility in a given title. Individual or multiple users can be assigned to each task. Notifications are sent automatically to the stakeholder(s) once that task is ready to be performed.
The following responsibilities can be associated with a stakeholder:
- Resolve Preflight
- Approve Content
- Approve to Print
Each title has the ability to associate stakeholders on the component level. For example, some users work exclusively on specific components like covers and have no stake in other components like text.
Possible stakeholder scenarios include;
- User A is assigned to all tasks (resolve preflight, approve content and approve to print). When User A has resolved preflight, User A is notified to approve content. When User A has approved content, User A is notified the approve to print stage is ready.
- User A is assigned to resolve preflight and approve content. User B is assigned approve to print. When User A has resolved preflight, User A is notified to approve content. When User A has approved content, User B is notified the approve to print stage is ready.
- User A is assigned to resolve preflight and approve content on the text. User B is assigned to resolve preflight and approve content on the cover. User C is assigned approve to print on the text and cover. When User A has resolved preflight on the text, User A is notified to approve content on the text. When User A has approved content on the text, User C is notified the approve to print stage is ready on the text. When User B has resolved preflight on the cover, User B is notified to approve content on the cover. When User B has approved content on the cover, User C is notified the approve to print stage is ready on the cover.
- Users A and B are assigned to resolve preflight on the text. User C is assigned approve content and approve to print on the text. If User A resolves preflight on the text, User B is informed the task has been completed. User C is notified the approve content stage is ready on the text. When User C has approved content on the text, User C is notified the approve to print stage is ready on the text.
If multiple stakeholders are assigned to perform the same task, the stakeholder(s) that did not perform the task will receive a notification once that task is completed by another stakeholder, thus preventing redundant checks.
Stakeholders may be added, edited, or removed during the following situations:
- during title creation
- after a title has been created
- after a title/component has been checked out for corrections
All methods are detailed below:
Title Creation
When creating a title, check the box 'Add Stakeholders' at the bottom of the title information window.
After the title is successfully created, the user is presented with the title record window where stakeholders can be assigned. In the example below, User A has been assigned to all tasks on all components. User B has been assigned the task of resolving preflight on just the text. User C has been assigned the task of resolving preflight on multiple but not all components as well as the task of approving to print on just the soft cover. User D has no stake in the title since no selections have been made, (i.e., the user is removed as a stakeholder). Click the Save button to confirm your selections.
A - List of user names associated with the account (hovering the mouse pointer over the user name will show the user's email address)
B - Checking or unchecking the 'All' box will assign or remove user association to all components and all responsibilities with a single click
C - Configure this section for a stakeholder to resolve preflight warnings/errors*
D - Configure this section for a stakeholder to approve content*
E - Configure this section for a stakeholder to approve to print*
F - Search for user name or email address (useful in accounts with numerous users)
G - Checking the 'View Assigned Stakeholders' box filters stakeholders to only those that have been assigned
* Click the component box to open its pop-up configuration window as shown here. From here, you can select which print components to assign to a stakeholder by placing a check in the corresponding box(es). In the example below, the stakeholder has only been assigned to the text component. Placing a check in the Select/Unselect All box either checks or unchecks all of the underlying boxes with a single click.
Editing Title Record
Assigning, editing, or removing stakeholders after a title has been created is just as easy. Click on the Edit title icon in the upper-right corner of the title banner and select Edit Title Record. Then, assign, edit, or remove stakeholders as detailed above under title creation.
Reprint Corrections
Upon checking a title or component out to make corrections, this informative notice will appear. This is for informational purposes only and is simply a reminder that you have the opportunity to update stakeholders if needed. Click the OK button to proceed with the check out process.
If a title was checked in with stakeholders assigned, this message will appear once the title is checked out. Conversely, if a title was checked in without stakeholder assignment, this message will not appear. If the latter is true and stakeholders are now required, follow the instructions under Title Creation to assign stakeholders.
Clicking the 'Review/edit stakeholders' button will take you to the title record window where you can assign, edit, or remove stakeholders as detailed under title creation above. If you click the 'Cancel and go back' button, you will go back to the main window where you can continue to work on other titles as needed; however, any user that attempts to interact with the title will be prompted with this message until the stakeholders have been reviewed/edited as necessary.