- Users are unsubscribed to all events by default.
- Users have the option to receive notifications either through the Message Center, email, or both. See this article for more details about the Message Center.
- Some email notifications indicate the user name that performed a task, but the Message Center notification may not.
- When a user has access to multiple accounts, the informative notifications can be configured independently for each account. Simply choose the appropriate account and select 'My Notifications' as shown below.
- When a user is created, edited or deleted and that user has access to multiple accounts, the event notification will be sent from the account where the user was created, edited or deleted.
To access available notifications, click the gear icon in the top-left corner and select 'My Notifications'.
From the window that opens, configure the informative notifications as needed by placing a check in the appropriate boxes. Use the scroll bar to see additional events. Click the Save button to confirm selections.
Column A - List of informative notifications
Column B - Choice of component level notifications*
Column C - Check the box to receive Email notifications
Column D - Check the box to receive Message Center (In-App) notifications
Column E - Check the box to receive notifications for All Titles within an account**
* In cases where print component level subscriptions exist, click the component box to open its pop-up configuration window as shown here. The user can select which print components receive event notifications by placing a check in the corresponding box(es). In the example below, informative events would only be sent for the Text component. Note - placing a check in the 'Select/Unselect All' box either checks or unchecks all underlying boxes with a single click.
** Checking the All Titles box while checking the Email and/or Message Center boxes will trigger notifications for every title within the account for the specific event(s). Unchecking the All Titles box while checking the Email and/or Message Center boxes will only trigger notifications on titles the user created and/or were manually added by the user to their My Titles list and/or were automatically added to their My Titles list when assigned as a stakeholder. See this article for more details about the My Titles filter and this article for more details about stakeholders.
Informative Notifications List
See this chart for additional details.
Title Events:
- Title Created
- Title Deleted
- Component Created*
- File(s) Uploaded*
- Component Deleted*
- Page(s) Deleted*
- Title Archive Retrieval Requested
File Check Events:
- Preflight Warnings/Errors - applies to preflight issues discovered after file upload
- Specifications Warnings/Errors - applies to issues discovered during the specifications check process, (i.e., after clicking Approve to Print)
Proofing Events:
- Title Review Requested
- Page Proof(s) Approved*
- Page Proof(s) Rejected*
- Component Proof Approved*
- Component Checked In* (component has migrated to the library repository)
- Title Ready for Delivery (title available for manufacturing distribution)
- Component Checkout Complete* (a single component has migrated to an account where corrections can be made)
- Title Checkout Complete (entire title has migrated to an account where corrections can be made)
Administrative Events:
- User Was Created
- User Was Modified
- User Was Deleted
* print component level subscriptions