The Auto Center tool is used to automatically center trim when applying a new trim size to a component.
Examples of using this tool include slight trim adjustments on a cover or taking a larger text component to a smaller text component without scaling.
To view how to use the Auto Center trim tool, read this article by clicking here.
The Auto Scale and Center tool is used to automatically center trim when applying a new trim size to a component. Please note - the Auto Scale and Center tool is used to scale and automatically center trim in reference to the center of the page.
Examples of using this tool include taking a larger text component to a smaller text component AND SCALING to the new trim size.
To view how to use the Auto Scale and Center tool, read this article by clicking here.
The Scale To Percentage tool is used when an exact scale percentage is needed. It also offers the ability to change the trim while scaling to percent. This is a more advanced scaling option and should only be used when a user has a target scale percent in mind.
To view how to use the Scale To Percentage tool, read this article by clicking here.