Automated Manufacturing Born on Date (BoD)

Some publishers opt for more modern approach to manufacturing control, utilizing a Born on Date (BoD) in lieu of a traditional print code or keyline. A BoD may be also be used in addition to a traditional print code.

The BoD includes a two-character code indicating where the title was manufactured, the date and the time of day with hours and minutes (24-hour clock). The automated BoD will appear in Arial, 6 pt. and the darkest color found on the given page based on an automated neutral density calculation. An example can be found below.


print plant code mm.dd.yyyy hhmm


CV 11.01.2021 1036

This code is extremely useful when troubleshooting manufacturing questions—when and where was the product produced.

Born on Date placement is currently available in a vertical format with the option of horizontal placement coming in the near future. The vertical placement is currently centered discreetly, vertically within the trim height of the page and .125” (1/8”) from the binding edge.

If you opt to use the Born on Date, you must choose the default page position where it will be printed. Most publishers opt for page position four (4), though your needs may require elsewhere. Even though you must choose a default page position for your account, you can override the default position on a specific title if necessary. See this FAQ for information on changing the Born on Date page within the thumbnail layout.


Manufacturing Location Codes

A complete list of the Lakeside Book Company manufacturing location codes can be found below:

CV - Crawfordsville

HB - Harrisonburg

KD - Kendallville

MQ - Marquis

OW - Owensville

WL - Willard