
In order to receive in-app and/or email notifications regarding a specification mismatch, the user must subscribe to that event. See this article for more details regarding informative notifications.


The final step, once all pages have been approved, is to click the Approve to Print button. Lakeside Scout requires proof approval on all pages within each component. Please see this article for details on Approving Proofs.

Any reported issue(s) must be resolved via the interactive Sign-off/Fix function if applicable, or it may require a new file or supplying revised specifications. 

Clicking the Approve to Print button starts an automatic process in which the pages are checked against the provided specifications (often included in the actual manufacturing order). 

In order to do so, you must agree to the terms and conditions by clicking the box as shown below. Details on Terms and Conditions can be found by clicking on the link 'Terms and Conditions'. The Approve to Print button becomes activated once the box has been checked.

Note - All components associated with a title must pass the specification checks before any single component can deliver to manufacturing. Press dates may be jeopardized if all components are not checked in. Once all components are checked in, they will automatically migrate to the library repository where they become available for manufacturing distribution.

After clicking the Approve to Print button, one of two scenarios will occur:

Scenario 1; When specification data is present, Lakeside Scout will immediately begin its automatic checks.

Automatic checks are performed on these items and in the following order:

  • Number of pages*
  • Trim size**
  • Embedded print code tag (text component only) - see this article for more details
  • Number of colors

For example, if a mismatch is found with the trim size, you must resolve the issue, reapprove the page(s) and click Approve to Print. The system will then proceed to perform the automatic checks once again.

Scenario 2; When specification data is not present, you will see this message.


As such, no additional steps are necessary unless you know specifications have been provided in which case you should contact your CSR. This banner message will then appear on the component once the OK button (shown above) is clicked.


Clicking on the banner message for more details will display this message. Again, no additional steps are necessary unless you know specifications have been provided in which case you should contact your CSR.


Once specifications are received, Lakeside Scout will immediately begin its automatic checks as detailed in the first scenario.


* You are presented with a message similar to this when the supplied page count is less than the specification. If only blanks are required to meet the manufacturing spec, click the 'Proceed without changes' button and the manufacturing location will add the necessary blanks to the end of the component. Click the 'Cancel' button if you forgot to upload page content.

Lakeside Scout also has a configurable option to address more pages supplied than expected for manufacturing as shown in this example. Please speak with your sales representative to facilitate a discussion on this topic.

* Page count mismatch is also covered in this FAQ

** See this article for more details on Trim Size Check/Component Tolerance


In the event a correction was missed, you can check the title back out of the library repository by clicking on the Check out icon in the upper-right corner of the title bar as shown here.